Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Top Rejected State Mottos

In my never ending love of all things "list", I came across this little gem at Keepers of Lists http://www.keepersoflists.org/index.php?lid=random. I have no idea if their other lists are good, bad or in between, but I thought this had some winners. They have 276 rejected mottos - here are some of my favorites.

Alabama - Not as Racist as we used to be.

Alaska: come cause' it's pretty. stay cause your lost

South Carolina: 50th in education, #1 in mobile home sales

Arkansas : Who needs branches on a family tree?

Maryland: We've got crabs!

South Dakota: Plenty of parking

Pennsylvania: Not to be confused with Dracula's home

New Mexico: Better than the Old Mexico

Kentucky-Go ahead and grow weed. We don't care.

Illinois: The "s" is silent, you morons

Indiana: Corn Corn Corn Corn Indianapolis Corn Corn Corn

Mississippi: come feel better about your own state

CA: The cereal State: nothing but fruits, nuts and flakes

Kentucky: 5 million people 15 last names

Idaho -- No, U-da-ho!

Maine: Not as terrifying as Stephen King makes it out to be

Colorado we hate texans too

Maryland The Other Alabama

Louisiana: You know what to do if you want these beads

New Jersey - Aaay! How U Doin'?

Maine: Now Canadian Friendly!


Cary McNeal said...

Georgia: Watch this!! (followed by accidental death)

tracey said...

That'd be a great t shirt>: )