Friday, January 4, 2008

Seven from 2007

Not original to me - this was my friend Jill's idea, but it got me thinking -something I have time to do since my insomnia is back...
Things I have learned or needed to be reminded of in 2007:

1. Cancer is not the worst thing in the world that can happen to me.

2. My babies are teens. OK, Sarah, aka Sadie, is only 12, but try telling her that doesn't count. They are everything to me, & my proudest accomplishment is my family. If I do nothing else well, I have good girls & a marriage I am proud of. We aren't perfect, but we're happy.

3. God is a just God. You reap what you sow. See # 2 with reference to my children. >: )

4. I take my husband for granted sometimes. He is amazing. He was beyond amazing when I had cancer & went through those wretched weeks of treatment. I am blessed. You should envy me. Not because of who I am, but who I have.

5. Real friends are rare, and are sometimes better than family.

6. I need to get my citizenship. I didn't expect to be here this long, and if we're going to be here, I want to vote. Otherwise, as I see it, I don't have the right to complain.

7. I still miss my Dad. He died 17 years ago next month & I still feel cheated by God. Maybe 2008 will be the year I finally get past that.

Incidentally, the photo on this blog is my reason for wanting to lose weight, so I can someday horrify all of you with my scandalous weight loss and alligator bag looking hiney.

See you in 2008.


AwkwardMoments said...

i can't stop laughing at the photo!!! Livingin FL thats a regular site ..just missing a few tattoos

tracey said...

i wish i had that level of self confidence!

jill b said...

I totally get #4. I have moments where I'm mad at my husband for some stupid little thing (like envy over the fact that he falls asleep the moment his head hits the pillow and doesn't stay up for hours entertaining me and my insomnia) and then I realize - duh, jill - he's so good to you, he puts up with you with a smile on his face, he lets you get your way 9.5 times out of 10, he adores you!

Angela said...

I agree on real friends being rare these days, it makes you stop and and take a look at yourself to make sure you are being to others what you expect them to be to you. That is a goal for me this year to be a better friend to others. And I am sure you are a great wife to can tell he loves you so much, Our husbands rock don't they!!