Friday, December 28, 2007

christmas vomit

At the risk of sounding like a third grade "theme paper" - remmeber those? - I'd like to indulge in a little written therapy. The drive to Canada was pretty uneventful, as was the 2 days we spent at my inlaws, aside from the fact there were 31 of us the house - a 1400 sq foot farmhouse thank you. However, as was the case last year, Christmas at my mother's has ended with vomit. For the second year in a row, Ceilidh has her head in a plastic trash can vomiting all her Christmas goodies. At least it's pretty with all the red and green. She's not the only one this time. All 4 neices and nephews have had it, now my BIL, pregnant sister, and mother are ill as well. I have the freedom to write this b/c I am the only one not in bed. Delightful.
My mother is watching my sister's kids while they're on break yet thought it was okay to send them over for the break immediately following a night of fluids expoding from the front AND the back door of their weak and pale little bodies. My nephew has accomplised a feat previously unfamiliar to me - both his vomit and *** smell the same. Unholy, but the same odor. How is that possible? Add to the fun, R has a pinched nerve in his shoulder and has been in bed on percoset trying to recover from that record pain after trying to find a clinic or doctor that would see him since our insurance is out of the country. I'm looking forward to the insurance claim and paper work when we get home. But, that's a blog for another day.

Anyway, time to go rinse buckets and make tea. Happy holidays.


AwkwardMoments said...

WOW - Guess too much Cheer for those?

I dunno if i should congratulate you for not getting sick or be consoling because you have to be Nurse to the Ill ...

Sunny said...

Bless your little heart. I hope you are washing your hands like mad.

Angela said...

Oh how lovely!! Nothing better then when family shares..Heard you all caught it...So sorry!!!
Love you all and hope you all had a good time in spite of the germs :)