Thursday, January 10, 2008

uptown problems

I heard an expression this morning that I've never heard before - at least if I have, I don't rememeber. One of the girls in my small group Bible study was commiserating with a co-worker about car trouble, internet issues, etc. He interrupted himself, and said, "You know what? These are uptown problems." In other words, let's get a little perspective. Hmmm... that's interesting. Perspective has been at the forefront of my thoughts a LOT recently. With my hubby in so much pain the past couple of weeks, I've had to run the show on my own. It's been rough, I won't lie, because he ususally helps - a lot. Keeping an eye on the gas gage, 9th grade algebra, letting the dogs out - little things that add up really quickly to a whole lot. Last Saturday as I was running errands, carrying my tree to the curb getting covered in sap and piercing parts I hadn't considered with fir needles, picking something mysterious out of the dogs' fur, etc, I started to feel a little sorry for myself. We had a rough holiday, and it wasn't getting better and showed no sign of letting up any time soon. Then, that still small voice reminded me, millions of single parents do this every day. I have an end in sight.
We are all so spoiled. My kids don't go to bed hungry, they don't wake up alone and afraid. My husband is faithful and loving. I have a good job, good friends, and a nice house. My clothes don't fit because I ate too much. My finances are tight because I spent too much. My schedule is busy because I say yes too much. These are uptown problems. I have nothing to complain about.
Honestly, do you?


AwkwardMoments said...

Hey I don't think I have ever heard that before. but i am going to make that a listen learned!

tracey said...

it's a good one isn't it?

jill b said...

Oh, you do not know how much I needed to read this today! Buddy just found out he'll be traveling to San Diego and will be gone for 2 whole weeks in February... from my reaction to this news, you'd think he had just told me that he's moving to Africa forever and leaving me with seventeen children to raise - with my hands tied behind my back. And while I still know I'll do my fair share of whining during the weeks he's away, I needed to read this so that I could realize that my whining is stupid and annoying and not worthy!