Monday, September 24, 2007

what is that feeling?

What the heck? I have that "It's about to happen any moment" kind of feeling and I don't know why. I keep waiting. And waiting. It's annoying. It feels like something significant is just ahead. Not necesarily to me personally, but something that will significantly impact my life. Like I can see the outline in my peripheral vision. Like I should see the signs and be able to put the pieces together, but I'm not quite there yet. It's not really an ominous feeling. I'm not nervous about it. And still, the feeling persists. It's out there. Can't say I wasn't warned. : )


Amber said...

It's that feeling that I am about to be in your living room!!!!

AwkwardMoments said...

Anticipaaaaaaaaation ...Anticipaaaaaaaaa tion ..sing it with me

Sunny said...

I hate that feeling. Mine is never a good thing. I hope yours is!