Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Top Ten Reason to Get Out of Bed.

Let me think...why do I get out of bed...

10. I have to go to work. Evil plans don't hatch themselves.

9. Coco has to go out and will not stop licking my face/Sophie has to go out and won't stop "talking" to me. Roy won't get up and do it.

8. Can't find the remote.

7. Roy's freakishly loud snoring is redirecting air traffic.

6. I have to pee.

5. Dough in any form...donuts, toast, pancakes, french toast, muffins, soufflé...okay soufleé isn't technically dough, but it's still worth getting up for.

4. One of my daughters are lying in a pool of their own sick. And they might drown in it. And the smell has drifted to my room. And it's on the carpet - or if you're like my sister, on the door handle...

3. Alien abduction.

2. Denzel needs me. Doesn't really matter why.

1. Birth Control. Lots and lots of birth control.


Connie said...

#6 for you would probably be #1 for me. (pun intended!) :D

I might add to your list: to check and see if the house is on fire which is one I've gotten out of bed for. I even had to call the fire department for that one, but all ended well. It was a small electrical problem but everything turned out fine.

Also to answer the stupid phone that is ringing and no one else wakes up enough to hear it. Although I generally regret getting up for that one because it is almost always either some drunk calling who has the wrong number or it is really, really bad news.

Anonymous said...

#1 is my reason for EVERY day!!!!

Brown said...

Thank god I can't reach far enough to lick myself . . . I'd never get to work on time.

Kimora Saintlee said...

So true my friend. You are silly : )